View a Clip from the Film

30 responses to “View a Clip from the Film

  1. Pingback: Big Easy to Big Empty: How the White House Drowned New Orleans Greg Palast

  2. Richard Smaller

    I like the Rims on the car in your video. They had money to waste on those wheels.

  3. i think it is quite a shame that society has overlooked the blatant actions of those seeking to take over valuable land via political connections within the white house. i hope more films and investigative reports rise from the ruins, spurring an awareness of the people that will yeild immediate results. if not, i feel that all areas deemed valuable real estate will go through similar situations. i believe that is just a matter of time before the big casinos and developers move in and rebuild new orleans into the disneyland tourist trap they have always imagined. to richard smaller, i find it sad that what you took away from that video clip was noticing rims on a car, and i sure hope that one day your life is not turned upside down by an illegal government act.

  4. Pingback: “They wanted them poor niggers out of there.” Greg Palast

  5. I have been deeply saddened by the Katrina catastrophe.
    However, if the charges leveled by Greg are not taken out of context, and can be proven to a legal certainty, God help us. I, as the majority of American citizens will be horrified. To the best of my knowledge, this is the United States of America. It is a country I am proud to call my home. I pray the allegations being made in this article and video are
    innacurate. In accord
    with the Constitution
    our Forefathers did not create a Fascist
    State. I am as serious as “grim death” in stating, let these charges be a compilation of ‘non
    Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this most
    terrible tragedy.

  6. Gary A De Santis

    To Greg Palast:

    Contrary to what one person hopes for in his comments we are a facist, racist country. What is a conservative estimate of how many Africans died in the North Atlantic slave trade: 100 million? And that is a conservative estimate. I am not proud of my country now and never have been (for the naive out there please read Professor Howard Zinn’s “Peoples History of the United States” Dr. Zinn tells the truth about the 500 year genocidal war our nation’s earliest settlers committed against Afro Americans, Native Americans, the poor, the sick, etc, etc. NO I am not proud of American history; I am shamed by it

  7. Can we please start over? The Constitution and the Bill of Rights are worthy. THey have been abused by those in power. No party is immune.

  8. Richard Smaller what a typical racist….now if this was a bastion of “White America’ instead of a city with a population of more than half “Black Americans” i bet he would be on TV crying why isn’t someone helping the poor white people…racist scum…

  9. They did the same thing in Charleston, SC after hurricane Hugo, I think it was in 1989. They, the city political and business leaders, took it as an opportunity to change the demographic makeup of the historic district and downtown Charleston. One might say Charleston was the model. And, talk of doing the same surfaces in Savannah, where I live, every time a hurricane of any size nears our shore. The once practically abandoned (by white people that is) downtown business and historic districts and ‘inner cities’ of many American cities which were once abandoned during the ‘white flight’ phenomena of the 1960s, ’70s, and ’80s have now become prime real-estate and the real-estate boom of the last few years has made it so. Young, white professionals and baby-boomers looking to flee the cold winters of the North are flooding into the historic areas of many a Southern town and pushing the native poor black folk out. Of course, the rich white suburbanites and exurbanites don’t want them in their back yards either. Local municipalities are taking advantage of the rising home values to tax old and poor people right out of their homes while at the same time saying they’re trying to fight gentrification! This is all part of a very large travesty and at some point, America is really going to have to come to accept the fact that poor people of darker skin really are citizens of this country and really do have rights. Peace.

  10. The current regime has a master plan-no-I’m not a “conspiracy theorist” just look at the record-what’s been left behind. After 911, the Bushies ramrodded the Patriot Act, created a whole new department-Homeland Security, and took over the Supreme Court and took away affirmative action. They eventually allowed consumer prices, college tuition, and gasoline to rise so high, that working class people and poor folk have to expend most of their energy just to survive. A new class warfare “surged”-that’s the ultimate goal-not a fascist state but a caste system based on power, money, and economics (and being white). New Orleans is just another microcosm, thats shows us the real intentions of the Bush/Republican regime. Anyway-hey what’s Lindsay and Britney up to? Or what about Anna Nicoles baby….

  11. I am so saddened as to what is happening in America…my question is CAN it be stopped?

  12. Maybe this is the reason the mass media only talks about the ninth ward? The media is just as guilty as the ones who are really stealing this land.

  13. The achilles heel of the Neocon fascist agenda is their trail of lies on 9/11. How do we get Greg Palast, Amy Goodman and the ‘gatekeepers of the Left’ to support a full independent inquiry that will show woeful negligence if not actual complicity of the Bush administration? New Orleans is further confirmation of their heartless, greedy character .

  14. David Patterson

    It’s called the “Ownership Society.” It’s nothing new. It’s existed since the founding fathers decided that our “Democracy” only gave the right to vote to land owners.
    Once Amerika gets back to basics, most of us , black and white, will live in “gated communities” called GHETTOS.

  15. Contrary to what most Americans believe AMerica is not free
    each American citezen has been sold to England
    thats right every shred of tax you pay goes to the Queen
    When America went bankrupt in 1929 Enland and the banks loaned you the money but didnt do so untill AMerican leader F D R Agreed to allow them to set up both the fed and the IRS to make sure they collect the debt back
    the so called new deal the deack was stacked on that deal
    to thosse Americans that dont believe or cant bring themselves to do so believe me you will pay the IRS and the IRS is not an American institution it is the arm of the fed which is foriegn owned
    the freedom you think you have is a just to give you peace of mind

    The video is shocking and reveting buy it a must see video for all Americans indeed all the world

  16. How does Landrieu, Vitter, “Fridge” Jefferson, Blanco and Nagin explain what is transpiring at the Lafitte Housing Project? Yes, where are Katie, Matt, Brian, Wolf, Charles, Diane, and Anderson?
    What transpired at the 350 unit “Algiers” ward, although disgusting from a personal viewpoint, would have been recognized and anticipated by any organization with limited legal knowledge, all agreements between tenants and the private property owner needed to be put in writing prior to any material purchases or reconstruction work commencing. Unfortunately decency, integrity, ethics, morality, conscience and humanity have no place in a privately owned 350 unit Algiers disaster zone.
    larry luey

  17. Pingback: Remember New Orleans? « The Black Page

  18. wth????? so if katrina didnt flood her and the levy break didnt reach where she lived… then are there people saying that the gov the white man as we know him to be … went down there after all that travesty and made other non effected people leave>??? AND NOW WON’T GIVE THEM THEIR HOMES BACK???? WTH



  19. Gene Martin Schwartz

    To: Gary A De Santis,

    In my opinion you are
    not concerned with
    paying ‘platitudes.’
    and I find that refreshing. You see that continuing discourse between the
    people is where true
    power lies. Congrats!

    “Iformation is the currency of a nation.” -Thomas Jefferson, 1789

  20. Gene Martin Schwartz

    To: Gary A De Santis,

    In my opinion you are
    not concerned with
    paying ‘platitudes.’
    and I find that refreshing. You see that continuing discourse between the
    people is where true
    power lies. Congrats!

    “Information is the currency of a nation.” -Thomas Jefferson, 1789

  21. “”Contrary to what most Americans believe AMerica is not free
    each American citezen has been sold to England
    thats right every shred of tax you pay goes to the Queen
    When America went bankrupt in 1929 Enland and the banks loaned you the money but didnt do so untill AMerican leader F D R Agreed to allow them to set up both the fed and the IRS to make sure they collect the debt back
    the so called new deal the deack was stacked on that deal
    to thosse Americans that dont believe or cant bring themselves to do so believe me you will pay the IRS and the IRS is not an American institution it is the arm of the fed which is foriegn owned””

    David – i don’t know what you are drinking but you really ought to stop if the above is an example of what your brain is producing. As a 59 year old Englishman resident in the UK I can tell you that this country does not get a penny from the US in any form of reparation. Rather – the United Kingdom only finished paying the US back for the monies and aid lent by your country whilst we were bankrupting ourselves fighting fasctism a few months ago. Yep – thats right – we finished paying you back so don’t give us that twaddle you are peddling !!

  22. Gene Martin Schwartz

    To: David & Julian:

    I have never heard of the information that the both of you have posted.
    [word for word]

    However, if you can provide ‘source evidence’ re: where you received this information, I would
    like to check it out.

    I promise to post no
    JUDGEMENTS about the

    Thanks for your consideration.


  23. My jaw has been permanently fixed to the ground since we decided to destroy Iraq and control it’s oil. Every single day since then I have paid attention, and every single day since then I am agog at what this administration does…and gets away with. I’m absolutely ashamed to be an American right now and won’t even travel without creating a non-American persona.

    NOTHING…ABSOLUTELY NOTHING will surprise me anymore. The lengths to which the neo-cons and the rest will go to for profit, and the lives destroyed don’t even seem to bother them in the LEAST.

    Bush and his gang of thugs are adolescent little kids. If there is a god, he/she did not select G.W. to lead the way. And I guess, in the end, they’ll all have to meet their maker. But even then I would expect them to deny everything in an attempt to escape burning in eternal hell.

    I can just see someone like Alberto Gonzales standing before god at the pearly gates…”I just don’t recall…sorry.”

    Well…sorry to say, I just can’t recall the last time I was proud of this country.

  24. Gene Martin Schwartz – is the BBC a good enough source?!

    We really really have only just paid back the US for the WW2 loan!

    Also – what is happening in the US at the moment is happening in the UK and Australia and most of the 1st world. I’m starting to wonder who really won ww2!

  25. Gene Martin Schwartz

    Thanks for the link,


  26. Simply ~ This problem can be solved if we as a nation choose to fix it. So as a request to this website.. show us what we can do! Im ready lets make this right! Im tired of sitting around watching our nation fall apart come lets go and be proud again!

  27. greg, i love everything you do, and agree with 99.9% of what you report on. however, to say that the lafitte, st. thomas, desire, et al, projects are “gorgeous two and three bedroom townhomes” is a gross twist of reality, to say the least. i grew up in nola, and BELIEVE ME, the projects are so disgustingly ugly, that it’s a good thing they’re being torn down. don’t mistake in any way what i’m saying here, i’m so not condoning gentrification, and they should’ve at least let people back into their on homes/ neighborhoods, but the projects have always been nothing but crime/drug invested concentration camps for impoverished blacks in nola. so please, don’t go faux news on us, and report something that’s not true – i have way too much faith in your reporting for you to let me down, especially after all these years greg!

  28. Pingback: Federal Disaster Aid | Lew Rockwell

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